

“You have to listen to me, I have seen more life than you” how often have you seen yourself being privy to this statement? I'm sure few of the younger lot have already been subjected to it. Most of us have heard something called as “Mansplaining”, some of us must have even had the displeasure of experiencing it. But there’s a not so new wave in town called “Adultsplaining” . When adults speak very belittlingly to the young ones, who actually happen to know more about the subject in question, is when this great phenomenon occurs! In simple words, when an adult says “I am an adult, elder to you and my word will always stand correct”. This phenomenon happens everyday in every situation of every person. With social media as a new game, this has become even more rampant.   So how does one identify this spaliner, well, that’s very easy   -   It could be someone who feels – “Having more kids is ideal. It’s not stressful at all. Didn’t we do it? So, can you, why is family planning such

MIND-FULL PARENTING – Chapter 1: A Curious Mind

  “MILLIONS SAW THE APPLE FALL, BUT NEWTON ASKED WHY” is a famous quote by Bernard Baruch. And like most of the modern parents, I said to myself ‘ I will answer all the QUESTIONS my child asks’. Not so soon, this urge to answer all her questions started seeing diminishing marginal utility! My LO (A millennial term for Little One) who is now 6 years of age, has always been a curious child and continues to be so and I feel proud about it. Also, it’s because she makes me feel like I am her Google Assist!! Apart from the usual questions which children tend to ask, she one day came and asked me – Mom, why are numbers called numbers! And I sneakily asked Google, and all I got was an Oxford dictionary definition of what numbers are. Before I could answer this by making up an answer. I got bombarded with another - Why is teacher called a teacher? How do eyelids work? Why do you work? Why don’t I work? Why does the earth work????? The 4G in my phone also couldn’t match the speed with whic

The COVID controller!

The covid wave has hit the earth! (Some theorists believe it to be a “Radioactive wave” or in millennial terms the “5G” wave! Who say, that radio waves are the real enemy and not the fatal , strong CORONA VIRUS). Whatever that means! Moving on, for so many years I believed or was led to believe “ We are only puppets, our strings are being pulled by unknown forces” . But over the past year I realized, that’s just partly TRUE! The first part of the sentence is correct, Oh! We are puppets and the strings are being pulled, but by KNOWN forces!! It begins even before birth. When someone is pregnant, you have all those aunties, sisters, friends even the male gender of the society, watching you like a hawk and chattering like a parrot! Oh beta, don’t do this, don’t eat this, don’t dance, you need to wear something loose, please stop late night dinners, No going out after 7pm… and all the “CONTROL” begins. The control by KNOWN forces never ceases to stop and life continues. In addition